Import Users

Administrators can import many students and teachers using the bulk import feature in EasyBridge. If you are using an existing template, there is an extra step you must take in order for the information to be sent to the correct location in EasyBridge for your organization. Learn more about transitioning to EasyBridge here.

Steps to import rosters

If you have already downloaded the template from EasyBridge and added user information, follow the steps below to import rosters with EasyBridge.

  1. Login to EasyBridge using your administrator credentials and navigate to the Accounts page from the Users drop down menu.
  2. Select the blue Import users button on the right side of the page.

  3. Select the type of users you would like to upload ~ Teachers or Students and then click Next.

    Uploading students requires you to check that you have read the PII data acknowledgment.

  4. Choose the .csv file to upload, or drag and drop your file onto the square under Upload your file. Click Upload to continue or Back to return and edit the previous step.

    For instructions to download the template and create your new file to upload, go to Steps to create a .csv file to import located on this page.

  5. Review and match your file's fields with the fields in EasyBridge. Field name headers that come directly from the template are recognized by EasyBridge will automatically be matched. EasyBridge attempts to match field name headers from a spreadsheet other than the template. You can change these by using the drop down menu under the EasyBridge field name column if the match is incorrect.

    When all columns are match, click the Import button. A small pop-up message appears at the bottom of the page letting you know Your import is in progress. along with an Import history button.
    If any of the required fields are blank or missing for a user, none of the fields will be imported for that user.

  6. Click Import history to see the status of the import.

See also

Import errors

Create users

File specifications